Please join us for a day of speaking up for Wisconsin wolves and wildlife! Starting with a morning legislative briefing, guest speakers and lunch, we'll then proceed onto meetings with your State Senator and Representative to start building relationships and talk about wildlife issues that matter most to you.
We will provide a FREE lunch, legislator talking points and prep time, handouts, our 10th anniversary tshirt + pre-scheduled appointments with your legislators.
On Thursday, April 18, 2024 Wisconsin wildlife advocates will be gathering in solidarity at their state capitol to meet with lawmakers and speak for our wildlife and wild lands.
Our most cherished Wildlife Day at the Capitol event presents a unique opportunity for us to come together and advocate for the issues that are closest to our hearts. Whether that is protecting endangered species or addressing the impact of climate change on wildlife, this is our chance to make a real difference. This year, the focus can be on any wildlife issue that holds personal significance to you!
With our help, you will formulate your story, build an ally in your legislator and let them know that you VOTE WILD. Our voices will have an even greater impact as we discuss the importance of wildlife conservation and the need for legislative action.
We’ll be here to help you every step of the way! Tomorrow’s FREE online training webinar is intended to make sure you feel informed and prepared. Before engaging with your legislators, we’ll teach you how to research their stance on wildlife conservation and any relevant legislation they have supported or introduced. This will help you understand their perspective and tailor your conversation accordingly.
Furthermore, the event will feature an exciting variety of guest speakers and lunch at a new meeting venue. There will also be a social gathering with live music the night before, providing a wonderful opportunity for you all to break the ice and build connections with other like-minded individuals.
Please join us and take advantage of this opportunity to champion the wildlife issue closest to your heart. Your presence and passion will make a difference in shaping the future of wildlife conservation laws and policies. We look forward to seeing you at Wildlife Day at the Capitol and working together to make a positive impact on the future of wildlife conservation!

All participants will receive our 10th Anniversary t-shirt designed specially for this event by one of our volunteers.
We ask that everyone wear a wolf or wildlife shirt on Wildlife Day to let lawmakers know we are there together in solidarity.
CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! We are looking for a team of dedicated advocates this year to help with distributing flyers, setting up projector equipment, serving lunch and refreshments, hanging directional signs around the capitol, assisting directors, taking photos and video, and helping with setup and take down at the end of the day. If you are interested in helping out this year, please be sure to sign up as a volunteer when you to register for Wildlife Day.
It is very important for us to know you will come so we can plan in advance.

Please attend our FREE training webinar to help you to prepare for Wildlife Day and become a more effective advocate for animals and wildlife in Wisconsin. We will discuss how to communicate with your state representatives about animal issues unique to Wisconsin and the changes that lie ahead following the court-ordered redistricting.
- How to find, reach out, and talk to your elected officials
- What you need to know about the annual Wildlife Day at the Wisconsin State Capitol on April 18
- What wildlife issues are in play at the state level—and what we want to happen for the animals
- The Dos and Don’ts when it comes to advocating with elected officials
Presented by Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance, Project Coyote, Friends of the Wisconsin Wolf & Wildlife and Animal Wellness Action, this event will unify us to bring about real change. Your voice matters, and together, we can make an impact. Register for our FREE training webinar here!