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Meet the Pack

Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance

Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance

Wildlife for Future Generations

What is the Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance?  We are a group of diverse citizens, non-consumptive users, animal welfare advocates, local farmers, politicians, small business owners and sustenance hunters who want to move wildlife management towards an ethical, science-based, democratic vision of wildlife conservation that respects diversity and the intrinsic value of all life.

We believe in the need for wildlife stewardship to be reflective of democratic values and public interest, best available science and the U.S. public trust.

We will advocate for the change of processes within current wildlife stewardship, game agencies and the biases within these systems. We will empower and encourage collaboration for people to have an active voice for wildlife through joining the GLWA.

We will work to develop an alliance of individuals and organizations committed to the advancement of science-based, democratic policies to conserve and protect our region’s ecosystems. While we certainly expect our guiding principles and goals to be developed and changed collaboratively, the principles that we believe in, we feel we can come together hoping to build a broader collaboration based upon common core values.

Principles of the Alliance

  • Humane Treatment of Wildlife

    The GLWA believes in treating wildlife as humanely as possible.

  • Public Trust

    Our governments are accountable to all of us for preserving environmental assets and regulating their use as a public trust for the benefit of present and future generations.

  • Public Interest Over Special Interests

    All use of environmental assets must promote broad public interest rather than special interest activities that endanger wildlife populations and/or ecosystem integrity.

  • Policy

    Environmental policy should be based on fair, democratic processes and the best available science.

  • Climate Change

    Climate change is a serious threat to the integrity of ecological systems.

  • Environmental Conservation

    Endangered resources should be managed as conservatively as possible with the thought of at least seven future generations.

  • Stance on Hunting

    The GLWA does not support any form of either sport hunting or trophy hunting. Sport or trophy hunting adversely affects wildlife, ecosystems and local hunters who rely on wildlife as a food source. We support a rural hunting preference as a means of providing greater opportunities for true sustenance hunters and preserving indigenous and cultural practices.

To join the Great Lakes Wildlife Alliance

or learn more about how you can help our cause: