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Tana Brandt

Tana is a long time resident of Wisconsin, living at times in the Northern and Southern part of the state, currently residing in central Wisconsin. Employed as a veterinary technician, she has a life long love and passion for animal of all kinds.

As the former owner of WillowTan Alpacas, she raised alpaca and angora rabbits for their fiber, and a few goats “just for fun”. She obtained the use of livestock guardian dogs to watch over and protect her herd of alpacas and goats.

Tana believes farms can coexist with wildlife by use of non-lethal methods of protection and safety. Good fencing, proper lighting and livestock guardian dogs were part of her farm’s safety protocol. Her Komondor and two Maremma were a priceless addition to her farm. 

Tana’s love and support of wildlife became a major part of her life when she lived in Northern Wisconsin. Being in the woods and observing the wildlife in their native habitat was a rewarding and educational experience. Although she loves and respects all wildlife, Tana has a strong passion for wolves and bears from her time “Up North”.

Tana continues to advocate for wildlife and conservation. She believes all wildlife plays an integral role in the ecosystem. She is proud to belong to a group of like-minded people that speak loudly for the rights and safety of all wildlife.

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